Tuesday, March 11, 2008

CoD4 Minimaps?

So I'm trying to figure out the minimap in Call of Duty 4. This is the little radar image that is displayed in the corner of the screen when you have a UAV. It seems to be required for making air strikes work properly as well.

I've got code now to generate an image that should hopefully be suitable for each randomly generated map.

This is a screenshot from Radiant of a map made with prag:

This is the corresponding minimap image generated with prag:

OK, that's working. But now I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get my image to actually be used in-game. Anybody had any luck with this? Do you have to use an IWD file, or can the image get rolled up into the fastfile?


Mick said...

You cant stick the image in a fastfile but in the IWD its fine. You might be able to auto generate the Material files also by using The Assest Manager as command line, not sure about this ...

COD2gen said...

Is it possible to use an IWD file without using it as a "mod"? What we've been doing where I work to distribute maps is to just put the fast files in our zone/english directories.